
Bootstrap Jumbotron

Bootstrap Jumbotron


A jumbotron indicates a big grey box used to indicate some text which requires extra attention to some special content or information.


Steps to add jumbotron:





<div class="container">
 <div class="jumbotron">
  <h1>Bootstrap4 Jumbotron</h1>     
  <p>A jumbotron indicates a big grey box used to indicate some text which requires extra attention to some special content or information.




Bootstrap4 Jumbotron


Creating Full Page Width Jumbotron:


If you want a full-width jumbotron without rounded borders add the .jumbotron-fluid and .container or .container-fluid classes are used to create a full-width jumbotron.




<div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid">
 <div class="container">
  <h4>Creating Full Page Width Jumbotron</h4>     
  <p>If you want a full-width jumbotron without rounded borders add the .jumbotron-fluid and .container or .container-fluid classes are used to create a full-width jumbotron.




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