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Converting string into datetime in Python

Converting string into datetime in Python


We can convert a string representation of date and time into a date object using the two methods mentioned below

  • Using datetime module
  • Using dateutil module


Using the datetime module:

We import a datetime class named datetime from the datetime module. We use this class to call the strptime() method. The strptime() method creates a datetime object from the given string. 


Note: We cannot create a datetime object from every string. The string needs to be in a certain format.


This method takes two arguments 

  • string which represents date and time
  • format code 


The most frequently used format codes are 

  • %d which represents the day of the month. 

Example: 01, 02, …, 31

  • %B which represents the complete month’s name .

Example: January, February etc.

  • %Y which represents the year that is four digits long. 

Example: 2018, 2019 etc.

  • %I which represents 12 hour clock as a zero padded decimal 

Example:01, 02, …, 12

  • %p which represents whether it’s AM or PM.
  • %M which represents minutes as a zero-padded decimal.

Example:01, 02, …, 59



from datetime import datetime

date_time_string = "Aug 15 2021 12:45PM"

datetime_object = datetime.strptime(date_time_string, '%b %d %Y %I:%M%p')




Using the dateutil module:

From the dateutil module we import the parser class using which we call the parser() class method. We only pass one parameter which is the string. 



from dateutil import parser

date_time = parser.parser("Aug 15 2021 12:45PM")




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