
CSS Box Model

CSS Box Model


Every element that can be displayed on a web page is comprised of one or more rectangular boxes. CSS box model typically defines how these rectangular boxes are laid out on a web page(website). These boxes can have multiple properties and can interact with each other in different ways, but every box has a content area and optional surrounding padding, border, and margin areas.


CSS Box Model


Elements of the width and height:


Height :           height + padding-top + padding-bottom + border-top + border-bottom + margin-top + margin-bottom

Width :           width + padding-left + padding-right + border-left + border-right + margin-left + margin-right




<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CSS Box Model</title>
         border:50px solid red;
<div class = "main">CSS Box-Model Property</div>
        <div class = "gfg">
       <div class = "gfg1">I2Tutorials</div>
       <div class = "gfg2">A best portal for learn Technologies</div>







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