/    /  CSS Float

CSS Float


The CSS float property is a positioning property. It is used to push an element to the left or right.


CSS Float


CSS Float Property Values:


none – The element does not float. This is the default.

left – Float the element to the left.

right –  Float the element to the right.

initial – Property to its initial value.

inherit – Property from its parent element.


CSS Float Property Example:


<!DOCTYPE html> 
img { 
  float: right; 
<p>  <b>float:right</b>. </p> 
<img src="good-morning.jpg" alt="Good Morning Friends"/>
 Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.




CSS Float


Another Example:


<!DOCTYPE html> 
img { 
  float: left; 
<p>  <b>float:left</b>. </p> 
<img src="good-morning.jpg" alt="Good Morning Friends"/>
 Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.Enter text here.




CSS Float