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Difference Between Static and Const in JavaScript


Different languages make use of both static and const variables. We will discuss the differences between both variables in this section. I would like to discuss this further.

What is a Static variable in JavaScript

Static variables are class properties that are used within a class, rather than on instances of the class. In a class, the variable is stored in the data segment area of memory, and its value is shared by all instances of the class. The static keyword is used to refer to a static variable. It is possible to make a static value, a static function, with classes, operators, properties, and work as a utility function for the application or website using the static keyword. Static variables are set at runtime and are a kind of global variable that can be used for any instance of the specified class.

What is a Const variable in JavaScript

Const variables have a fixed value and remain the same throughout the program. A property of the const variable is that its value cannot be changed or modified throughout the program. A const value informs the compiler that a value is fixed and should not be modified by the programmer. The programmer receives an error message whenever he attempts to modify a const value. The ‘const’ keyword and the input value are required to use a const variable.

Static vs. Const

Javascript class programs use the static keyword to define static properties and methods.Defining a constant value for a variable is accomplished by using the const keyword.
Only the class definition can access the static keyword. To access the static keyword for non-static methods, one must invoke them using the class name. We can, however, use this keyword to call a static method within another static method.Const values can be accessed globally or locally, but global constants cannot be accessed as window object properties.
Objects are created or cloned using static methods, which are utility functions.Const variables are used to declare constants or fixed values that cannot be altered.
In JavaScript, static objects are identified by a keyword known as ‘static’.The const keyword in JavaScript is used to declare a const variable and initialize it with a constant value.
It is also possible to use JavaScript static with classes and methods.It is also possible to use JavaScript const with objects and arrays.
It is possible to reassign the value of a static variable.A const variable cannot be reassigned. It is possible, however, to re-declare the const variable in a different block scope.


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