File program to read and encrypts character
program to read a character file and encrypts it by replacing each alphabet by its next alphabet cyclically i.e., z is replaced by a. Non- alphabets in the file are retained as they are. To write the encrypted text into another file.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> main() { FILE *fp1,*fp2; char fname1[20],fname2[20]; char ch1,ch2; printf("Enter the source file name "); scanf("%s",fname1); fp1=fopen(fname1,"r"); if(fp1==NULL) printf("%s is not available",fname1); else { printf("Enter the new file name "); scanf("%s",fname2); fp2=fopen(fname2,"w"); while((ch1=fgetc(fp1))!=EOF) { printf("%c",ch1); if((ch1>=65 && ch1<=89) || (ch1>=97 && ch1<=121)) ch2=ch1+1; else if(ch1==90 || ch1==122) ch2=ch1-25; else ch2=ch1; fputc(ch2,fp2); } printf("File copied into %s succesfull",fname2); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); } }
Input text apple.txt
Output text orange.txt