
How can I remove a trailing newline in python?

A trailing new line is a ’\n’ character at the end of a line like that in Python strings. In this article let’s learn how we can remove this trailing newline.


1. Using strip():

This string method removes the trailing and leading characters which may also have whitespaces from a string.



string_eg = "     Python by i2 tutorials     "

string_trim = string_eg.strip()

print("The Original String:", string_eg)
print("String after trimming:", string_trim)



2. Using rstrip():

The rstrip() method removes the trailing characters from a string and returns a copy of this trimmed string.



string_eg = "     Python by i2 tutorials     "

string_trim = string_eg.rstrip()

print("The Original String:", string_eg)
print("String after trimming:", string_trim)



3. Using replace():

We check for ’\n’ as a string and replace it using a for loop and replace() method. 



demo_list = ["Python\n", "b\ny", "i2tutorials\n\n"]

list_trimmed = []

for x in demo_list:
    list_trimmed.append(x.replace("\n", ""))

print("Original List : " + str(demo_list))
print("Trimmed List : " + str(list_trimmed))



4. Using Regex:

A Regular Expression[RegEx] pattern is a five-letter string that starts with ‘a’ and ends with ‘s’.



We first have to import re module to work with these regular expressions.



import re

string_eg = "     Python by i2 tutorials     "
string_trim = re.sub(r'^\s+$', '', string_eg)

print("The Original String:", string_eg)
print("String after trimming:", string_trim)



The sub() method performs a global replacement of all the newline characters with an empty string. This method checks for every occurrence of a newline character .


In the regex expression, ^ is known as caret which denotes if a string is starting with a specific character or not. \s denotes a whitespace and | denotes the or operation. $ is known as a dollar which denotes if a string is ending with a specific character or not.  +(Plus) symbol matches one or more occurrences of the pattern left to it.


Look at a much simpler example below



import re
demo_list = ["Python\n", "b\ny", "i2tutorials\n\n"]

list_trimmed = []

for x in demo_list:
    list_trimmed.append(re.sub("\n", ""))

print("Original List : " + str(demo_list))
print("Trimmed List : " + str(list_trimmed))



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