/  Technology   /  How to get key with maximum value in Python dictionary?
Getting the key with the maximum value in the dictionary in python

How to get key with maximum value in Python dictionary?


We can find the key with maximum value in a given dictionary using the following ways:

  • Using max()
  • Using max() with lambda
  • Using operator
  • Using manual method


Using max():


max(iterable, key, default)
  • iterable can be a list, a dictionary, a tuple, etc.
  • key performs comparison based on return type of the iterables passed. This is an optional parameter.
  • default is the default value to be returned by the max() function in case the iterable is empty.

It returns the maximum value from an iterable.


dictionary= {'One': 1, 'Two':2, 'Three':3}

max_key = max(dictionary, key=dictionary.get)

print("The key with maximum value is: ",max_key)



Using operator:

We first import the operator module. The itemgetter() function returns nth index element of an iterable, be it a list, dictionary, tuple, etc., which it takes in as an input. The items() dictionary method gets all the items i.e. key-value pairs from a dictionary and finally, we use the max() function to get the key with maximum value.


import operator
dictionary= {'One': 1, 'Two':2, 'Three':3}

max_key = max(dictionary.items(), key = operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
print("The key with maximum value is: ",max_key)



Using lambda with max():

Lambda functions also referred to as anonymous functions, are regular functions defined without a name. We don’t use def to define these functions, instead we use lambda.


dictionary= {'One': 1, 'Two':2, 'Three':3}

max_key = max(dictionary, key= lamda x: dictionary[x])

print("The key with maximum value is: ",max_key)



Using manual method:

We define a function named max_key, we get the keys and values of our dictionary using keys() and values() dictionary methods and make them a list using the list() function. We now return an element from the list k whose value v at a particular index has a maximum value using the index() and max() functions.


dictionary= {'One': 1, 'Two':2, 'Three':3}
def max_key(dictionary):
      return k[v.index(max(v))]




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