
Image Processing Using Pillow and Python

What is Image Processing?

Image processing is any form of processing for which the input is an image or a series of images or videos, such as photographs or frames of video. The output of image processing can be either an image or a set of characteristics or parameters related to the image.


Pillow is a Python Imaging Library (PIL), which adds support for opening, manipulating, and saving images. It supports a range of image file formats such as PNG, JPEG, PPM, GIF, TIFF and BMP.

Let’s start with the basics

First install pillow using command

pip install pillow

Let’s see how we can read an image and display an image using pillow and python.

1) Reading and Displaying an Image

Let’s see the syntax for reading an image in our IDE.

First you have to import the PIL library and from that library import Image module. You can open an image by using open () method inside the parenthesis give the address of the image. By using show () method you can see the output


from PIL import Image
img = Image.open("C:/Users/Desktop/cute_baby.jpg")
img. show ()


Image Processing Using Pillow and Python

You can get some details about the image using object attributes

a) To get the format of the image

print (img. format)

which is JPEG in this case.

b) The pixel format used by the image. Generally, values are “1”,” L”, “RGB” or “CMYK

print (img. mode)

The output here is RGB

c) The image size which is in pixels. The size is given as 2 tuple representing width and height

print (img. size)

Here the size of the image is (2000, 1500)

2) Resizing and Saving an image

As we have seen the current image size is (2000, 1500) we can resize it according to our convenience using a method called resize ()

You can also save your edited image into your pc using save () method. Inside the parenthesis provide the location where you want to save the image.

If you want to resize it by keeping the aspect ratio same you can use a method called thumbnail (). Let’s see how we can implement this using code


from PIL import Image
img = Image.open("C:/Users/Desktop/cute_baby.jpg")
print (img. format)
small_img = img. resize ((1200,715))
small_img1 = small_img. save("C:/Users/Desktop/baby.jpg")
img. thumbnail ((1200,715))
img. save("C:/Users/suyog/Desktop/thumbnail.jpg")
small_img. show ()
img. show ()


Original Image

Resized image

Thumbnail image

3) Cropping and saving an image

As far we have seen how to resize an image. Let’s see how we can crop an image using pillow library. There is a method for cropping an image called crop ()

Let’s see how we can implement it using code


from PIL import Image
img = Image.open("C:/Users/Desktop/cute_baby.jpg")
cropped_img = img. crop ((0,0, 1300,1300))
cropped_img. save("C:/Users/Desktop/crop.jpg")


4) Pasting one image on another

If you want to put one image on another at a specific location you can do that using paste () method

Let’s see how we can implement it using code


from PIL import Image
img1 = Image.open("C:/Users/Desktop/cute_baby.jpg")
print (img1.size)
img2 = Image.open("C:/Users/Desktop/monkey.jpg")
print (img2.size)
img1.paste(img2, (50,50))



In this way we have learn some basics of Image processing using Pillow






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