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JavaScript variables


What are JavaScript Variables?

JavaScript variables can be considered as containers which stores a particular value or name for a particular block of memory.

In JavaScript we can assign variables with any of these 3 keywords var, let, const.

In JavaScript any data-types can be assigned to variables. If you assign a number to a variable then the type of the variable will be number. Likewise we can assign string, object, and array.

JavaScript variables has standardised naming conventions while declaring the variables:

  1. Don’t use the JavaScript language keywords such as If, for, else-if, true, false, while, function etc.
  2. Do not start with a digit 0, 1, 2,…9.
  3. Do not use special characters (%, S, &) inside the name.
  4. Start with an alphabet or followed by an alphabet or digits or underscore.
  5. Can use uppercase or lowercase alphabets.

Valid Variable Names with Examples:

  • var Sum;
  • var first_name;
  • var testCase_1;

Invalid Variable Names with Examples:

  • var 1st_sum;
  • var function;
  • var last$name;


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A JavaScript variable is simply known as the storage location. There are two types of variables in local variable and global variable.

There are some rules while declaring a JavaScript variable (known as identifiers).

  • The name must start with a letter (a to z or A to Z), underscore( _ ), or dollar( $ ) sign.
  • After the first letter, we can use the digits 0 to 9.
  • JavaScript variables are case sensitive( x and X are different variables).


Example :


var x = 10; 
var y = 70; 
var z=x+y; 






local variable :


It is declared inside block or function. It is accessible within the function or block only.


function abc(){ 
var x=10;//local variable 




var y=20;//JavaScript local variable 


global variable:


It is accessible from any function. A variable i.e. declared outside the function or declared with a window object is known as a global variable.




var data=500;//gloabal variable 
function a(){ 
function b(){ 
a();//calling JavaScript function





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