MongoDB – Select Document:
In MongoDB, we can retrieve all documents in a collection by using the below command. This will retrieve all the documents with in the collection.
db.collection_name.find() db.collection_name.find({})
Both of the above queries will work in same way. Also, you can use several other methods and conditions while retrieving the documents in a collection as per the requirement.
testset:PRIMARY>db.students.find() { "_id" : ObjectId("59245acd5273c93ad95b109b"), "firstname" : "Maria", "city" : "Banglore" } { "_id" : ObjectId("59246d4b5273c93ad95b109c"), "firstname" : "sneha", "city" : "Delhi" } { "_id" : ObjectId("59246d7b5273c93ad95b109d"), "firstname" : "jay", "city" : "toronto" }