
MySQL – Left Join vs Right Join

MySQL – Left Join vs Right Join



In this article, we will discuss the key differences between the left and right outer joins. The two types of joins are inner and outer. When we refer to left join as left outer join, we mean the left outer join. When we refer to right join as the right outer join, we mean the right outer join. We need to explicitly mention inner joins when we use left and right joins, such as left inner join and right inner join. Simply referencing left join versus right join is actually referring to left outer join versus right outer join.

Left Join

Right Join
This function joins two or more tables, returns all records from the left table, and the matching rows from the right table.When two or more tables are joined, it returns all records from the right table, as well as matching rows from the left table.
There will be no value in the result-set if there is no matching row on the right side table.There will be a null value in the result-set if there is no matching row on the left side.
Alternatively, it is referred to as LEFT OUTER JOIN.RIGHT OUTER JOIN is also known as RIGHT OUTER JOIN.


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