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MySQL – Stored Function

MySQL Stored Function


The concept of a stored function in MySQL refers to a set of SQL statements that perform some task or operation and return a single value. In MySQL, it is one of the types of stored programs. When creating a stored function, ensure that you have the CREATE ROUTINE database privilege. This function is generally used to encapsulate business rules or formulas that are reusable in stored programs or SQL statements.

There are several differences between the stored function and the procedure in MySQL, including the following:



CREATE FUNCTION fun_name(fun_parameter(s))  
RETURNS datatype  
[NOT] {Characteristics}  

Parameter Used

fun_name: This is the name of the stored function that you wish to create in a database. In MySQL, it should not be the same as the built-in function name.

fun_parameter:  It contains a list of parameters that are used by the function body. There is no provision for specifying IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters.

datatype:  The return value of the function is a data type. Any valid MySQL data type should be acceptable.

characteristics: When the characteristics (DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA) are defined in the declaration, the CREATE FUNCTION statement is accepted.

fun_body: The parameter contains a set of SQL statements that perform the operations. There must be at least one RETURN statement. Upon execution of the return statement, the function will be automatically terminated. Below is the function body: BEGIN — SQL statements END $$ DELIMITER


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