Python – Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Lets see the top interview question & answers in python which are frequently asked.Our Python Interview Questions is the one-stop resource from where you can boost your interview preparation. We have top 20 questions on Python Programming.Here comes the top 20 interview questions.
1.What are the key Features Of Python?
Python is undoubtedly one of the most prominent programming languages. It is widely used for developing desktop GUI applications, websites, and web apps. Not only this python also offers assistance to work on core functionality to take care of the usual programming tasks. If we talk about the characteristics of python then there are various to know about. Learn more>>
2. How is Multithreading achieved In Python?
Multithreading is a technical form of multitasking. It is also called threading. The process of implement multiple threads simultaneously can be described as a multithreading. It is a brilliant technique that empowers to finish many tasks jointly. Learn more>>
3. Explain what Flask is and its benefits?
Flask is a web framework. Flask allows you to build a web application by providing tools, libraries, and technologies. This web application will be a web page, a wiki, or a big web-based calendar application or commercial website. Flask is classified into a micro-framework that means it has little to no dependencies on external libraries. Learn more>>
4. Explain Inheritance in Python with an example
In the object oriented programming, inheritance is a powerful feature. Inheritance provide us to define the class which will take all the function from parent class and allow us to add more. Python support inheritance even multiple inheritance. It can introduce a new class with little or without any modification of exiting class. Learn more>>
5. How can you randomize the items of a list in place of Python?
The method shuffle() can be used to randomize the items of a list in place. It should be noted that this function is not accessible directly and therefore we need to import or call this function using random static object. Learn more>>
6. Looking at the below code, write down the final values of A0, A1, …An.
The function zip() returns a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the i-th element from each of the argument sequences. The returned list is truncated in length to the length of the shortest argument sequence. Learn more>>
7. How can the ternary Operators be used in Python?
The Ternary operator legitimate to assign one value to the variable if the condition is true and another value when the condition is not true. It is the operator that is basically known, as the conditional expression in python. It amazingly judges an object, which based on the condition being true or not. Learn more>>
8. How is memory managed in Python?
A private heap is involved in the Python memory management that contains all python object abs data structure. This private heap is managed by the Python memory manager. The Python memory manager deals with different dynamic storage management aspects like segmentation, sharing, reallocation. Learn more>>
9. What are dictionaries in python?
A collection which is unordered, changeable and indexed is known as a dictionary in python. It takes two elements where one is the key and the other one is value. However, the keys should be unique within a dictionary while values may not be. The data type of the values can be anything but the keys must be of an immutable data type such as strings, numbers, or tuples. Learn more>>
10. Explain split(), sub(), subn() methods of “re” module in Python.
The re module in python refers to the module Regular Expressions (RE). It specifies a set of strings or patterns that matches it. Metacharacters are used to understand the analogy of RE.This function splits the string according to the occurrences of a character or a pattern. When it finds that pattern, it returns the remaining characters from the string as part of the resulting list. Learn more>>
11. Write a sorting algorithm for a numerical dataset in Python.
Sorting refers to arranging the given data in a particular format. A sorting algorithm specifies the way to arrange data in a particular format and order. It makes the data more readable and the data searching can be optimized to a very high level. Learn more>>
12. What is the process of compilation and linking in python?
The source code in python is saved as a .py file which is then compiled into a format known as byte code. Compilation is simply a translation step. Byte code is a lower level and platform independent machine code which represents your source code. After the compilation, the code is stored in .pyc files and is regenerated when the source is updated or when it is necessary to do so. This process is known as compilation. Learn more>>
13. What is monkey patching in python?
Python is a dynamic programming language and therefore the classes in python are mutable so that you can reopen them, modify, or even replace them. In simple words, monkey patching is making changes to a module or class while the program is running. It refers to reopening the existing classes or methods in class at runtime and changing their behavior according to the requirement. This code can be used whenever you need it. Learn more>>
14. What do these words mean in python: *args, **kwargs? And why would we use it?
The *args keyword in python is used to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. It is mainly used to pass a non-keyworded, variable length argument list. The *args keyword allows you to take more arguments than the number of formal arguments which were previously defined by you. By this keyword, any number of extra arguments can be tacked on to your current formal parameters. Learn more>>
15. Write a one-liner that will count the number of capital letters in a file.
string is the input which is taken from the user.isupper() is a function which checks whether the alphabet is uppercase or not.Count is a variable which increments itself whenever it finds an upper case alphabet. Learn more>>
16. What are negative indexes and why are they used?
As we know, indexes are used in arrays in all the programming languages. We can access the elements of an array by going through their indexes. But no programming language allows us to use a negative index value such as -4. Python programming language supports negative indexing of arrays, something which is not available in arrays in most other programming languages. Learn more>>
17. What is the Difference between List and Tuples?
The list is the most strong and beneficial tool in python that does not need to be always homogenous like other languages. This tool is mainly utilized to store an ordered collection of various items, which might be similar. A list includes strings, integers, and objects. To create a list all the elements should be placed inside square brackets and separated by commas. Learn more>>
18. What is the difference between deep and shallow copy?
Shallow copy and deep copy are basically used for copying data between objects. To exactly know about the difference between deep and shallow copy let’s talk about the main usage of deep and shallow copy in python that will surely help you to deeply understand the differences between these two copies. Learn more>>
19. What Is The Usage Of Help() And Dir() Function In Python?
Python is becoming the imperative language to learn because of its prosperous ecosystem. It can be used for web development, scientific computing, and artificial intelligence, almost for everything. The user-friendly syntax makes this language easier and allows programmers to convey their idea in fewer lines as compared to the other programming languages. This multi-paradigm language is supportive of big organizations. Learn more>>
20. Whenever Python exists, why isn’t all the memory de-allocated?
Using ‘del’ keyword we can try to remove some particular object. But Python is a ‘garbage collector’ that means there is no guarantee that the object is actually removed from the memory when you use ‘Del some Big Object’. In fact ‘Del some Big Object’ is not only pointless but also it is a bad style. Learn more>>