Python – Tuples
Python – Tuples:
Tuples are generally used to store the heterogeneous data which immutable. Even Tuple looks like Lists but Lists are mutable.
To create a tuple, we need to use the comma which separates the values enclosed parentheses.
# Creating an empty tuple
>> tup1=() >>> tup1 () >>> tup1=(10) >>> tup1 10 >>> tup1=(10,20,30); >>> tup1 (10, 20, 30) >>> tup1=tuple([1,1,2,2,3,3]) >>> tup1 (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3) >>> tup1=("tuple") >>> tup1 'tuple'
Using Functions with Tuples:
>>> tup1=(10,20,30); >>> max(tup1) 30 >>> min(tup1) 10 >>>len(tup1) 3
Operators with Tuples:
>>>20 in tup1 True >>> 30 not in tup1 False
Slicing in Tuples:
>> tup1[0:4] (10, 20, 30) >>> tup1[0:1] (10,) >>> tup1[0:2] (10, 20)