Python – Strings:
In this tutorial, we will work on the Python Strings where we can learn about the manipulation of Strings, using String Operators and string methods and Functions.
First, let us understand that how do we declare the strings in python programming language.
We can declare and print the strings by placing them in single Quotes (‘..’), Double Quotes (“..”), and using the print function too.
Python Strings are Immutable (An Object with a fixed value).
Using the Strings in single quotes (‘…’)
>>> 'hello world' 'hello world'
Below command will give an error.
>>> 'let's start' # this will give us an error File ",stdin>, line 1 'let's do it' ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
To overcome that we must use escape character \
>>> 'let\'start' "let's start"
Using the Strings in Double quotes (“…”)
>>> "let's start" # using double quotes to avoid escape character "let's start"
Using the Strings in Print() function
>>>print("let's start") # we have enclose the strings in double quotation inside print funtion let's start
Using the 3 double quotes start and end of the string allows us to print the data including spaces and newlines.
>>>print("""let's ...start ...Now""") let's start now
String Concatenation:
Multiple Strings can be concatenated using (+) symbol. Let us see the example of concatenating the strings.
>>> x="hello" >>> y="world" >>>x+y 'helloworld'
String Repetition:
String repetition can be performed by using the (*) symbol. Let us see the example of repetition of strings.
>>> 3*"hello" 'hellohellohello'
Strings are indexed with each character in a memory location when assigned to a variable. The indexed number starts from zero ‘0’ from first character till the end of the string. Whereas, reverse indexing starts with ‘-1’ from right to left until the starting character. Let us try few examples of retrieving the characters from a word PYTHON in either ways.
>> x="P Y T H O N" # Word python is written without spaces 0 1 2 3 4 5 -6-5-4-3-2-1 >>x[3] 'H' >>x[-5] 'Y' >>x[:4] # Starting from first character, 4th position excluded 'PYTH' >>x[:-4] # Starting from fourth character from right, 4th position excluded 'PY' >>X[0:] # Starting from first character till end 'PYTHON' >>x[-6:] # Starting from -6th position until start ie., -1 postion 'PYTHON'
String Methods in Python:
Python String Methods | Description |
capitalize() | Returns the String with first Character as Capital Letter |
casefold() | Returns a casefolded copy |
center(width[, fillchar]) | This will pads the string with a character specified |
count(sub[, start[, end]]) | Returns the number of occurances of substring in string |
encode(encoding=”utf-8″, errors=”strict”) | returns an encoded string |
endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) | Check the string if it ends with the specified |
expandtabs(tabsize=8) | Replace the tab with space |
find(sub[, start[, end]]) | returns the highest index |
format(*args, **kwargs) | formats the string |
format_map(mapping) | formats the string except the mapping is directly used |
index(sub[, start[, end]]) | returns the index of substring |
isalnum() | checks for alphanumeric Char |
isalpha() | Checks if all characters are Alphabets |
isdecimal() | Checks for decimal characters |
isdigit() | Checks for digit char |
isidentifier() | checks for valid Identifier |
islower() | checks for lowercase of all alphabets in string |
isnumeric() | Checks for Numeric Char |
isprintable() | Checks for Printable Char |
isspace() | Checks for Whitespace Characters |
istitle() | Returns true if the string is titlecased |
isupper() | Checks if all characters are Uppercase |
join(iterable) | returns concatenated string |
ljust(width[, fillchar]) | returns left-justified string |
lower() | returns lowercased string |
lstrip([chars]) | Removes Leading Characters |
partition(sep) | returns a tuple |
replace(old, new[, count]) | replaces the substring |
rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) | Returns the Highest Index |
rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) | Returns Highest Index but raises when substring is not found |
rjust(width[, fillchar]) | Returns the string right justified |
rpartition(sep) | Returns a tuple |
rsplit(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) | Splits String From Right |
rstrip([chars]) | Removes Trailing Characters |
split(sep=None, maxsplit=-1) | Splits String from Left |
splitlines([keepends]) | Splits String at Lines |
startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) | Checks if String Starts with the Specified String |
strip([chars]) | Removes Both Leading and Trailing Characters |
swapcase() | swap uppercase characters to lowercase and vice versa |
title() | Returns a Title Cased String |
translate(table) | returns mapped charactered string |
upper() | returns uppercased string |
zfill(width) | Returns a Copy of The String Padded With Zeros |