1. How many sorting algorithms are available?
Answer: There are 5 types of sorting algorithms are used which are:-
1. Bubble Sort
2. Selection Sort
3. Merge Sort
4. Quick Sort
5. Bucket Sort
2. Explain how to create new variable in R programming?
Answer: For creating new variable assignment operator ‘<-’ is used.
For Example:
mydata$sum <- mydata$x1 + mydata$x2
3. What are R packages?
Answer: Packages are the collections of data, R functions and compiled code in a well-defined format and these packages are stored in library. One of the Stability of R is the user-written function in R language.
4. What is the workspace in R?
Answer: Workspace is the current R working environment which includes any user defined objects like vector, lists etc.
5. What is the function which is used for merging of data frames horizontally in R?
Answer: Merge()function is used to merge two data frames.
Sum<-merge(data frame1,data frame 2,by=’ID’)
6. what is the function which is used for merging of data frames vertically in R?
Answer: rbind() function is used to merge two data frames vertically.
Sum<- rbind(data frame1,data frame 2)
7. What is the power analysis?
Answer: It is used for experimental design .It is used to determine the effect of given sample size.
8. What package is used for power analysis in R?
Answer: In power analysis Pwr package is used in R.
9. Which method is used for exporting the data in R?
Answer: There are many ways to export the data into another formats like SPSS, SAS , Stata , Excel Spreadsheet.
10. Which packages are used for exporting of data?
Answer: For Exporting data in excel xlsReadWrite package is used and for sas,spss ,stata foreign package is implemented.