1. What is fligner.test()?
Answer: It is a function which provides a non-parametric k sample test of the equality of variances.
2. Define hovplot().
Answer: It is define in HH package which provides a graphic test of homogeneity of variance based on brown forsyth.
3. Which variables are represented by lower case letters?
Answer: Numerical variables are represented by lower case letters.
4. Which variables are represented by upper case letters?
Answer: Categorical factors are represented by upper case letters.
5. What is logistic regression?
Answer: Logistic regression is used to predict the binary outcome from the given set of continuous predictor variables.
6. Define Poison regression.
Answer: It is used to predict the outcome variable which represents counts from the given set of continuous predictor variable.
7. Define Survival analysis.
Answer: It includes number of techniques which is used for modeling the time to an event.
8. What is the use survfit() function?
Answer: It estimates a survival distribution one or more groups.
9. Define survdiff().
Answer: It determines the differences in survival distribution between two or more groups.
10. What is coxph()?
Answer: It is a function which is used to model the hazard function on the set of predictor variable.