RCF Released 14 vacancies for the post Officer (Finance) 2017
Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited is a leading profit making company in the business of manufacturing and marketing of Fertilizers and Industrial Chemicals having sales turnover around Rs.7500 crores. Eligible candidates can apply through Online.
As on 01.09.2017:
General – Maximum 35 years, For SC Category – Maximum 40 years. For OBC Category – Maximum 38 years For PWD Category (General) – Maximum 45 years For PWD Category (SC) – Maximum 50 years For PWD Category (OBC) – Maximum 48 years
Chartered Accountant/Cost and Management Accountant Or B. Com regular and full time plus MBA/MMS or other equivalent post graduate (regular and full time) degree in Financial Management from recognized Universities.
SC/ST/OBC: Out of the 14 posts, 2 are reserved for SC, 1 is reserved for ST and 3 are reserved for OBC.RCF RCF ReleasedReleasedRashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited
The mode of selection for the above posts will be online test and personal interview.Shortlisted Candidates will be called for Online Test.
Application Fee:
There is no application processing fee for SC / ST / PWD. General & OBC candidates are required to pay a non-refundable application processing fee of Rs. 700/-
How to Apply:
Candidates have to log on to website www.rcfltd.com and go to recruitment section for submitting the online application.
Important Dates:
Last Date: 13 Oct 2017
Please go through the below link for any other queries.