/    /  ReactJS- React Props

React Props


  • Props is the short form of properties used in react js . Props are used to pass data from one component to another in react js .  
  • React data flow between its components is uni-directional (from parent to child)
  • Props are used to integrate 2 or more components in on one project.
  • Props allow using different components in one component.


React- Props -Example

  •   For using props first create a react application by using the below code
              Npx create-react -app 


  •   After the react application is created, we need to create another component file in src called Component2.js.


  •      Let’s first see the App.js where we have created the function and it is the main Component
   import React from 'react';
import './App.css'

function App() {
 return (
 <div className="App" 
<div className="main-cointainer">
export default App;


  • Now let’s look at the other component, which component2.js
import React from 'react';
export default function Component2() {
 return (
<div className="main-cointainer">



  • We require to use props for passing the Component2.js data to component1 I.e  App.js
import React from 'react';
export default function Component2(props) {
 return (
   <div className="main-cointainer">
<p>{props.data} </p>


  • After passing the Component2.js data with props we now need to call that data in App.js 
  • For calling the props data we first need to set the state in App.js which is done by use State hook in react js
import React, { useState } from 'react';
function App() {
 const [state, setstate] = useState({data:""})


After this we will create a ChangeState function which will be called onClick of a button

   const changeState = () => {  
         setstate ({data:`
        This is component 2`});

   <Component2 data={state.data} />   
   <div className="main-cointainer">
     <button  onClick={changeState} >
     Send state 


Here above we are calling the ChangeState function on a button, which when clicked will display the data/text from Component2.js.


Below is the full code of App.js

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import './App.css'
import Component2 from './Component2';

function App() {
  const [state, setstate] = useState({data:""}
    const changeState = () => {  
         setstate ({data:`
        This is component 2`});
  return (
    <div className="App">
          <Component2 data={state.data} />   
            <div className="main-cointainer">
                <button  onClick={changeState} >
                  Send state 
export default App;


Below is the output:


This is the output after the button is clicked:

