
Rename the files in a Directory using Python

In this article, I would like to show you how you can rename the files in a directory using python.

Let us say we have list of files in a directory where the names are filled with some numbers in the middle randomly.


List of all files are in the path of C:\Users\admin\Desktop\files.

– che424324mistry.txt

– datasci3749283ence.txt

– de234vop345s.txt

– dock315435er.txt

– grad234uate14s.txt

– naturalla32434ng41uage.txt

– ph4334ysi41234cs.txt

– py234tho433n.txt

– statist34ics.txt

– webscrap2343ing.txt


Now we need to modify the names of those files by removing the numbers like below.


– chemistry.txt

– datascience.txt

– devops.txt

– docker.txt

– graduates.txt

– naturallanguage.txt

– physics.txt

– python.txt

– statistics.txt

– webscraping.txt


Let us start by importing the required string and OS modules.


import string
import os


Creating the function named rename_files in which we are going to use below 2 functions.

  1. maketrans function
  2. translate function
for file in x:
print('\nList of all Renamed Files:\n\n\t',*Y,sep='\n- ')


Below is the complete Code:


import string
import os
def rename_files():
print('List of all Located Files from the given path of ',os.getcwd())
print('\n',*x, sep='\n- ')
print("\nFrom the given Path:\n\n\t",path)
for file in x:
print('\nList of all Renamed Files:\n\n\t',*Y,sep='\n- ')



Rename the files in a Directory using Python


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