
DisAvow Tool

DisAvow Tool

DisAvow Tool (i2tutorials)


Google introduced a new tool that allows you to abandon spam links to your site from other sites. This tool is especially useful in cases where the site is subject to a link attack from competitors.

Google uses links as one of the 200 ranking factors that allow you to determine whether a site is compliant with any queries or topics. The presence of a large number of good links allows for high PageRank values, so links become one of the fraudulent tools in the hands of reference spammers.

Webmasters of sites suspected of being referred to as spam receive a message from the webmaster with the information that “unnatural links” link to their site. These messages come to webmasters in the event that Google suspects them of buying links, exchanging links or other ways of getting links that violate the requirements for a quality website. To avoid further sanctions, webmasters should remove the “bad” links. Not always possible.

It is for those cases where the webmaster of the site cannot delete the “bad” links, as resources containing them are not available to it, or the site is faced with the problem of a competitor’s link attack, Google offers a new tool for disavowing (disclaiming) links.

On the webmaster’s tool page, a window will be offered for introducing the website URL and after the form of adding a file with a list of links from which the webmaster wants to refuse.

For these purposes, you can use a simple text file with one URL per line.

Google developers emphasize that the new tool is designed specifically for experienced developers. They do not recommend using it for beginners.



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