
Google Algorithms 

Google Algorithms

Google algorithms (i2tutorials)

Regularly, Google and Yandex release new algorithms whose task is to improve the issue, the fight against poor-quality resources. Previously, the user received an infinite number of pages to his request and did not always find the answer he needed, but now, thanks to search algorithms, he can get a solution to any interesting question in a matter of seconds.

In this article, we describe the main algorithms of Google, released in recent years, and their impact on the issue. Let us see what the site owners need to take into account in order not to fall under sanctions and how to optimize and promote their resources in order to improve their positions.


Google Panda (Google Panda)

The sanctions of this algorithm are sites with non-unique automatically generated content, as well as sites with texts that are oversaturated with key queries. In addition, the algorithm affects the resources on which the same text is repeated on different pages. You can find out more about the Panda algorithm in one of our articles .

How to avoid?

Add only unique texts to your resource, it is desirable that originality is not lower than 95%. Do not overload texts with key queries – we recommend using 1 query for 300-500 characters. Check the sites for duplicates, they should not be, otherwise close the duplicates from indexing, customize the canonical tag or next prev, if the pages are completely identical – set up the redirect.


Google Penguin (Google Penguin)

Sites with purchased links fall under the sanctions, resources with low-grade link mass (links lead from sites of poor quality or do not fit the topic at all).

How to avoid?

Regularly check the link mass leading to your website using Webmasters and link analysis services, for example, Megaindex.com. Get rid of spam links, links from low-grade resources. When promoting, increase only the natural reference mass (read about this in our article ), try to focus on bezan kornye links. For a large number of links with keywords you can get sanctions.



We can say that this is the main Google algorithm, which includes Pandu, Penguin, Fred and RankBrain. It provides users with a page with the exact entry of the request, taking into account the meaning of the request and taking into account the synonyms of the search phrase.

How to affect?

Write texts, focusing on people, not robots. Exact entry of key phrases is not necessary, use LSI-copywriting. Content on the site should be diverse, so you should include more synonyms regarding the subject matter of the request.


Anti-piracy update (Google’s Pirate Update)

The Google algorithm, which, according to the DMCA law (the Russian Copyright Act in the digital age), obliges search engines not to display copyright-infringing resources. The name of the algorithm speaks for itself, it fights with sites containing pirated content, as well as resources that publish information on how to download author’s content from the Internet.

How to avoid?

It’s very simple – do not add pirated content to your site. If your resource will receive complaints, the exact number of which Google has not voiced, the site will fall under the sanctions.


Algorithm that takes into account the location of the user and gives the results in accordance with its location, distance from the intended object.


if you want to find the nearest medical center from you, Google will take into account your location and display in the results those institutions that are closest to you.

To improve the local ranking, assessors began to be involved – it is people who participate in the assessment of resources, analyzing the popular local issue. Assessors study sites for compliance with the location of the region, their task – to save the issue of resources that do not actually meet the requirements.



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