
Google Panda

Google Panda

Google Panda (i2tutorials)


Panda is one of the Google search engine ranking algorithms, which was first released in February 2011. The development of the algorithm was aimed at combating poor-quality sites and returning to the TOP of higher-quality sites. The name “Panda” comes from the name of one of Google’s engineers, Navnit Panda, who developed the technology of the algorithm.

The release of “Panda” has made a surge in the increase in the issuance of news sites and social networking sites, and vice versa the decline in positions for sites containing a large amount of advertising. The change affected the issuance of almost 12% of all search results. But the algorithm turned out to be unworked, which led to such errors, when sites with original content turned out to be lower in output than copy-paste sites. Thematic forums, including the Google webmaster forum, were simply overwhelmed by complaints from websites of primary sources about the right to get higher positions than sites with non-original content.


Algorithm updates

Google Panda had to undergo changes and after a few months a few more updates were released. During the first two years of Google’s operation, the pandas of the update of the algorithm came out about once a month, but in March 2013, Google representatives said that future updates would be integrated into the algorithm itself and, therefore, updates would be less noticeable and constant.


Ranking factors

Google Panda is a filter that aims to reduce in the results of the issuance of sites or individual pages with low-quality content.

No information about the algorithms of the filter “Panda”, as well as about the methods of exit from under it, Google does not apply. But after some time, representatives of Google have posted a list of the main factors leading to the imposition of a filter, including:

1. a large amount of advertising. Advertising on sites should complement the content, not replace it;

2. high failure rate;

3. very short texts

4. duplicate content (duplicate site pages)

5. bad outgoing links;

6. bad incoming links.

7. copied not unique content


Matt Cutts, head of the department for combating web spam at Google, warns that if you do content rewriting, then you need to do it in very high quality and add “added value” to already existing information. Just rewriting from Panda will not save anything new in the Internet, you do not bring.


Number and quality of links (reference profile)

The algorithm also takes into account the links. Moreover, it takes into account all links, both inbound and outbound. The requirement is only one, and the one and the other site should be one subject. Of course, the algorithm keeps track of the number of incoming and outgoing links, but this is not the most important factor when ranking a site. The first thing that interests him is the human factor. In other words, he carefully looks after the user on the site. What he does, how much time he spends, whether he reads the material, fills the forms, and so on. Of course, the developers have done a great job in creating and running in this algorithm. In fact, this algorithm required grinding and other algorithms so that the search engine could only produce quality sites.



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