
Local SEO Negative Signals

Local SEO Negative Signals

Local SEO Negative Signals (i2tutorials)


Knowing the ranking factors is great, but also a bit dangerous. Paradox – paying attention to the smallest of them, you can waste resources and vice versa – ignoring, as you think, insignificant – you can not achieve high positions in SEO.

Google uses more than 1,000 parameters for ranking and the full and current list is known only to the engineers of the search engine itself. In fact, since the introduction of machine learning, the Google employees themselves cannot tell why a particular URL takes the current position in the issue.


Negative Factors:


–  Server is often unavailable for search robots

Once unavailable – how do they index the page, make it into the database? Determined with the ranking, in the end. Come once – no one. The second is no one. The third is not even peep.


–  Very simple or duplicate content (this content already exists in search engine indexes)

It all depends on what to invest in the concept of duplicate. In fact, every day blogs reprint news from news resources and nothing. Probably the main thing is not to be a “mirror” – to completely reprint everything without diluting it with your own.


–  External links from suspicious, spam sites

Again – tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. Such a link may not hurt you, but it will not help, for sure. See all the points on what external links should be in order to influence the ranking results in a positive way. The ratio of the number of such spam links with the correct ones is also important. If there are too many spammers, maybe your site is not exactly “righteous”.


–  Duplicate content of Title tag and other meta tags

May lead to “gluing” pages. The search robot simply will not understand. That you have 10 pages, and take them for 1. With all the ensuing consequences.

Abuse of keywords. Spam from keywords in site content and meta tags

No good

Participation in perelinking schemes, link exchange networks, in reference sale-purchase markets

If you can and do it correctly – you can win or, in the worst case, not burn out. If you are not able and do not know the rules of the game – better not start.


–  Slow download time, long time interval between server responses

It may make it difficult for robots to index the site. They work fast. The site did not answer, it means unavailable, it means we’ll check in another time, etc.


–  External links from banned sites

Can affect your rank if you still have a young site with a low rank and an unstable reputation. For reputable sites virtually painless.


–  Low site traffic

If your site has a narrow focus, this is normal. But for sites operating in the field of high competition, this factor is more important. In my opinion (my personal opinion), the main thing is the stability of the traffic, not its quantity. Quantity matters just for you – as a seller, writer, etc. But not for the search engine. Anyway, not so important.



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