


Sitemaps (i2tutorials)

Sitemaps make it easy for webmasters to notify search engines what pages are available on their site. Sitemap simplest form, is the XML file that lists URLs from your site as well as other metadata about each URL data (last updated time, the change in frequency and degree of importance relative to other URLs on the site of what, etc.) So that search engines can crawl websites more intelligently.


Google , Yahoo , and Microsoft all support a protocol called xml Sitemaps, and google Sitemap refers to the inclusion criteria supported by google, which has been extended on the original protocol. The role of google sitemap is to inform google spiders of comprehensive site links through Sitemap to optimize their own websites. google Sitemap is divided into three formats: txt text format, xml format, and Sitemap index format.


Optimization step:

1. we need to introduce a short text for each page link, which can indicate which part of the content is relevant.

2. To provide a “green channel” for search engines such as Google spiders with a link to browse the entire website, so that search engines can quickly include the main pages of the website, such as the home page, detailed pages and help pages.

3. If the user has searched for certain articles or information on your website, you will need to have a page or list that has already been viewed. If you don’t have these programs, then you need to make a text link to a page and this The page is a link to the content you want to query to tell the user how to find the information they need to find.

4. If the link to your website is unable to get the original link for some reason, for example, the link is invalid, then you need to make a mistake page turn. You can also make full use of your imagination to make this mistake. More beautiful.

5. this is very important, you can mention the main keywords you want to optimize in the text and hyperlinks of the site map to help the search engine to identify.

6. indirect help search engine can easily index some dynamic pages, preferably dynamic pages at this time you pseudo-static, of course, static is the best, because search engines like static page.



Google SiteMap

Google SiteMap Protocol is a sitemap protocol launched by Google itself. This protocol file is based on the earlier robots.txt file protocol and has been upgraded. In the official Google guide, it is pointed out that the website that has joined the Google SiteMap file will be more conducive to the crawling index of the Google web crawling robot, which will improve the efficiency and accuracy of indexing the website content. The file protocol uses a simple XML format with a total of six tags, including key links, link time, update time, and index priority.

<urlset xmlns=”Web Page List Address” >















XML tag

Changefreq: The frequency of page content updates.

Lastmod: the last modification time of the page

Loc: page permanent link address

Priority: priority relative to other pages

Url: the parent tag relative to the first 4 tags

Urlset: the parent tag relative to the first 5 tags

I will break through each of the tags of this xml file one sentence at a time:

<urlset xmlns=”

This line defines the namespace of this xml file, which is equivalent to the <html> tag in web files.




Web crawlers typically find pages through links within the site and on other sites.Sitemaps provide this data to allow crawlers that support Sitemaps to crawl all the URLs provided by the Sitemap and to understand the URLs that use the relevant metadata. Using the Sitemap protocol does not guarantee that web pages will be included in the search engine, but can provide some hints to the web crawler so that they can crawl the site more efficiently.

Generation Step

Method one:

1. Open a browser and enter the URL of the Sitemap website generated online ;

2. Fill in the form with the URL of the page where you want to generate the sitemap, then click Submit.

3. Open the generated data result page and copy the code in the text box;

4. Create a new text file and paste the code into it, then save it as a file in UTF-8 format, the file name is sitemap.xml, and then upload the file to the corresponding root directory of your website;

5. Open your browser and enter the URL, click on the login in the top right corner, log in with your google account, and don’t have a Google account yet? Create an account, sign up for an account and log in to your account;

6. After successful login, click to enter the User Management Center, and then click: Webmaster Tools;

7. First add your URL link. After the success is added, click Add after the corresponding item of the URL to open the add page of the sitemap, select the drop-down menu, select the normal website map , the text form appears below, and add the sitemap.xml after the blank form. And click submit;

8. Ok! Sitemap submission is successful, wait for 5 hours to google your site!


Method Two:

1. Go to the online generation sitemap website to download the software:

2. Such tools need to be downloaded to a locally generated map for faster generation.

3. Run the software to generate the sitemap file: the project also has two new columns to write, such as “sitemapx” “hongdex”, after confirmation, display the basic information, directly default, click Next, then click on the crawl page . After the web page is crawled, click directly to generate, then click to copy the file and select the path. The sitemap file is created in this way;

4. Submit the sitemap file to the root directory of the website through FTP: This should be all right. If you don’t understand, you can directly search google for “How to submit files through ftp tool” and so on.

5.Log in to the Google webmaster tool to submit the sitemap sitemap file: Prerequisites already have a registered google account and added the website, the console home page displays the sitemaps column, click directly, enter the sitemap.xml before submitting the site, and finally click directly Submit the website. The steps are completed! Finally, I waited for Google to include the website page.


Use of Sitemap and login google

Using Google sitemap can improve the ranking of websites/pages in SERP (or improve SEO effect).Sitemaps only improve the efficiency of indexing and indexing of website pages to a certain extent. In this sense, the overall SEO effect on websites is of course Helped.

However, there is no direct connection between Sitemaps and the rankings in the SERP that appear in the SERP. These are two mechanisms that are related but have few intersections in the implementation process. – Of course, if you have to argue that as the number of pages on the site increases, the weight of cross-links in the site will increase accordingly, and this will have an impact on the final ranking, but it can be said to some extent, but It is hard to say how big the impact is.


The first step: add a website, verify the website attribution, waiting for review

1. Click “Add Site” after logging in. If the website deletes or replaces the domain name, it will need to be resubmitted;

2. Click “Verify this website”, select the verification method and obtain the verification file to complete the verification;

3. Verification method 1: document verification;

4. Verification method 2: HTML tag verification;

5. Waiting for administrator review. Mainly review website properties, website content quality, etc.

6. The review may take up to a day.


Step 2: Add new data by clicking on “Data Management”

How to add new data

1. Select the type of data, deploy your data file according to the xml format specification corresponding to the type;

2. Specify an update cycle for your data;

3. After deploying the file according to the xml format specification, fill in the file storage address in the address bar and click Submit.

The length of time we process the file will depend on the file size.

How to manually update submitted data

1. If you want to manually notify us that the data is updated outside the specified update period, you can select the file to be manually updated on the “Data Management” page and click “Update Selected”.

2. If the data is wrong or does not conform to the protocol format, the status bar will be displayed as an error. Please refer to the platform prompt to modify and update.

3. You can view statistics of the data through the platform, including the number of crawled, the latest processing time, and so on.

Points to note

All links are valid:
The main purpose of the map is to facilitate the crawling of search engine spiders . If there is a dead or bad chain in the map , it will affect the weight of the website in the search engine. Therefore, check the link address with or without error, and submit the webmaster tool before submitting. , check if the link to the website is valid.

Simplify site maps:

Sitemaps should not have duplicate links. Map files in standard W3 format should be used. The layout should be simple and clear. If the map is a content-based map, do not exceed 100 content links per page. Use page breaks to open one by one. Convenient for search engine spiders to crawl page by page.

Update sitemap:

It is recommended to update the site map frequently and update the map frequently to facilitate the crawling of crawler spiders. There are often new map content generations. For a long time, spiders will pay more attention to the spider’s crawling rules, so that the content of the website can be quickly captured by the search engine.


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