
Sorting list of dictionaries by custom order in Python

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In the previous articles, we have discussed several ways of sorting dictionaries and lists of dictionaries. In this article, we’ll learn how to sort them in a custom order.


Let’s understand this by taking an example. We have two lists list_1 and list_2 in which the first list of dictionaries, list_1, is to be ordered in the order of elements in a custom manner given in the second list list_2



list_1= [{'by' : 3}, {"i2tutorials" : 2}, {"Python Programming" : 1}]
list_2 = [{"Python Programming", "by", "i2tutorials"]



We can achieve this by using two methods:


Using sorted(), index(), keys(),  lambda:

The sorted() function does the required sorting, the index() function helps to get the order from our custom list list_2 and the keys() function is used to get the keys from the dictionary present in the list of dictionaries list_1.



list_1= [{'by' : 3}, {'i2tutorials' : 2}, {'Python Programming' : 1}]
list_2 = [{'Python Programming', 'by', 'i2tutorials']

print("List 1 is : " + str(list_1))
print("List 2 is : " + str(list_2))

result = sorted(list_1, key = lambda i: list_2.index(list(i.keys())[0]))
print("The custom order list : " + str(result))




Using sort(), index(), keys(), lambda:

Here we use the sort() function instead of the sorted() function. The only difference between these is that sort() performs in-place sorting and doesn’t create and store the sorted order in a new list, like ‘result’ in the above example. 

All the other functions operate the same way as discussed.



list_1= [{'by' : 3}, {'i2tutorials' : 2}, {'Python Programming' : 1}]
list_2 = [{"Python Programming", 'by', 'i2tutorials']

print("List 1 is : " + str(list_1))
print("List 2 is : " + str(list_2))

result = sorted(list_1, key = lambda i: list_2.index(list(i.keys())[0]))
print("The custom order list : " + str(result))



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