Swift language targets machine learning
Swift 6 is the core development team behind Apple’s Swift programming language and also emphasizes expressive and elegant APIs and ‘fantastic’ development experience. It has set priorities including refining the language for use in machine learning.
Google has integrated Swift with the TensorFlow machine learning library in a project called Swift for TensorFlow, so with this Apple is not the only company with machine learning ambitions for Swift.
It includes building APIs such as variadic generics and DSL capabilities such as function builders. It also deals with memory ownership and concurrency also is part of the plan.
Investments in this highly productive and joyful programming language, also includes faster builds, better diagnostics, responsive code completion, and reliable debugging.
The current engineering work in the project covers these areas, such as number of supported platforms and improving how software written in Swift is deployed. Even they support for cross-platform tools such as Language Server Protocol, the Swift Package Manager, code formatting, and refactoring.
The popularity of this language has been increased since 2014 from 20th place to 2020 from 10th place. Its predecessor, Objective-C, has done the reverse, dropping from in these years. Swift 5.x releases are expected before Swift 6.