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The impact of artificial intelligence on humans

The impact of artificial intelligence on humans (i2tutorials)

Every single one of us will have to reckon with our ability to balance the human way of life and the transition to the Artificial Intelligence cosmos. Artificial Intelligence is definitely on the rise in both business and life in general. The question is, will humans eventually lose control as machines become super-intelligent? Hence there would be some positive and negative impacts as AI continues to shape the world we live in.

 AI is a disruptive technology, revolutionizing businesses and bringing new approaches to decision-making based on measurable outcomes. It is playing an important role: freeing humans from drudgery so that we can focus on interpersonal relations and more creative work. 

Now then AI is in to many routine white-collar tasks such as answering emails, data entry and related responsibilities that can be handled by “intelligent” assistants if businesses are prepared to recognize the potential. However there is always a question that is disturbing the minds of human I.E. will AI destroy jobs? 

AI has excelled their services in healthcare, leading to improved diagnosis and treatment of many conditions, leading to healthier citizens and healthier economies.

By focusing more on training people in soft skills, starting in school, we can help produce a greater number of employable humans who will be able to work alongside machines to deliver the best of both worlds.

Source: scipreneur

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