
Top AngularJS Frameworks for Web App Development


What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a front-end JavaScript framework that converts static HTML into a dynamic one. Developed in 2016, Google maintains the AngularJS framework. Its primary aim is to help with single-page applications. AngularJS is a complete package of controllers, models, views, and services that helps to simplify the complex process of creating and deploying interactive and highly functional web applications. It makes it easier for developers to focus on what’s essential and automatically handle all the secondary processes.

Since it includes all the interactive elements needed on a website, most developers prefer it for web development. Also, many front-end developers prefer AngularJS, built on HTML and JavaScript. Thereby, there is no need to learn other languages or syntax.

Another key reason for its increased popularity is the development support from Google, as it spares no chance to improve this framework. Since its launch, Google has added several features that have made it powerful today.

Now that we know why AngularJS is suitable for web development let’s jump to the top AngularJS frameworks.

Top AngularJS Frameworks for Web App Development

#1. Ionic Angular

Ionic AngularJS is an Angular framework that functions like Ionic. Apps built with this framework work on any device or browser, including iOS, Android, and PWAs. It comes with over 100+ AngularJS Components for blazing-fast mobile and desktop apps.

Key features:

#2. Angular UI Bootstrap

What to do when you want to use Bootstrap on the project but can’t access JS libraries? Use AngularJS Bootstrap. AngularJS does not work well with Bootstrap due to jQuery. And hence, AngularJS Bootstrap fills this void. Popular components are Bootstrap Modal, Accordion, date picker, and dropdown.

Key features:

#3. AngularJS Material

Based on Google’s material design, AngularJS material is a UI component framework such as Datepickers, Inputs, Data tables, and cards. It provides many reusable, tested UI components based on material design. Its primary aim is to create a unified and elegant user experience across mobile, web, and desktop devices.

Key features:

#4. PrimeNG

PrimeNG provides support for responsive design led by touch-optimized elements. Thanks to its declarative UI style, it is much easier to develop the front end for complex apps. The framework lets you add components like menus, form inputs, and charts to the front, and most components are open-source and covered under an MIT license. Top brands like Airbus, eBay, Mercedes, Intel, and Nvidia use PrimeNG for their apps and sites.

Key features:

#5. NG Zorro

Zorro is an enterprise Angular UI component library based on Ant Design. It’s an open-source library. As per their site, Alibaba uses the NG Zorro library, which seems more popular in China. As compared to Angular Material, NG-ZORRO provides more box components.

Key features:


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