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VAR Variable

VAR Variable


What is var?

A variable in JavaScript stores the data value that can be changed later. To declare a variable in JavaScript, use the reserved keyword var.

Declaring a variable with var keyword but the value has not been defined to this variable is known as uninitialized variable.

var Var;

For checking value for Declared variable we can use console.log(Variable);


We can check the typeof() data stored in the variable by logging


The logged value of the uninitialized variable is undefined.



  1. Assigning number to the variable and checking the type of variable
var Var;
console.log(Var);// 5
console.log(typeof(Var));  // number
  1. Assigning string to the variable and checking the type of variable.

We can denote string in 3 ways

  • Single quotes
  • Double quotes
  • Backtick
var Var='String';
console.log(typeof(Var)); // string
var Var="String";
console.log(typeof(Var)); // string
  1. Assigning Boolean value to the variable and checking the type of variable.
var Var=true;
console.log(typeof(Var)); // boolean
  1. Assigning null value to the variable and checking the type of variable.
console.log(typeof(Var)); // object
  1. Assigning array to the variable and checking the type of variable.
var array= ['null',"array",`object`]
console.log(typeof(array)); // object
  1. How to check length of an array?
console.log(array.length);  //3
  1. Assigning object to the variable and checking the type of variable.
var object= {var1:'null',var2:"array",var3:`object`}
console.log(typeof(object)); // object

Note: For these 3 variable types null, array and object  The logged value of variable  is object

Final output:


Redeclaring a Variable Using var keyword

Redeclaring a Variable Using var keyword
let name = "Sailaja"; // Here name is Sailaja
let name = "vani";  // Here name is vani
let name = "vani1";
document.write("name is", " : ",name)



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