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What Is It Used For Python?


Python can be used for a number of purposes, including:


  • To Create web applications: Python is an excellent programming language for web development due to the wide range of options it offers. A number of frameworks are supported, including Pyramid and Django, micro-frameworks such as Bottle and Flask, as well as advanced content management systems such as Django CMS and Plone.


The frameworks are flexible, scalable, secure, and come with various modules and standard libraries that simplify tasks such as database interaction, content management, etc. A number of internet protocols are supported by its standard library, including HTML, XML, FTP, IMAP, POP, etc.

Additionally, its Package Index contains other useful libraries, including Requests, Feedparser, Beautiful Soup, Paramiko, and Twisted Python.


  • Machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI): In contrast to traditional software projects and models, AI and machine learning projects are very different. There is a need for different skill sets, technologies, and tools, as well as for a stable and reliable language. The Python programming language is equipped with such functionalities and is flexible enough to meet the needs of unique projects.


Python’s simplicity, platform independence, resourceful libraries, consistency, and active development community encourage people to use it for AI and machine learning applications.

For AI and machine learning, Python packages include SciPy for sophisticated computing, Seaborn for visualization, Pandas for data analysis, IPython for parallel computing, TensorFlow and Keras for machine learning, NumPy for high-level scientific computing, and more.


  • Desktop GUI creation: Because Python has a module architecture and is compatible with multiple operating systems, you can create desktop GUIs using an efficient text-processing tool, framework, or Python module, such as PyQt4, PyQt5, WxPython, PyGtk, PySide, PyGUI, Tkinter, etc.
  • Software development and rapid prototyping: The purpose of Python applications and packages is to simplify the software development process. Python can be used to create web and desktop applications, as well as complex applications capable of computing numeric and scientific data.


Python is extensively used by developers, including for build control, management, and testing. You can use SCons, Trac or Roundup, and Apache Gump or Buildbot, depending on the purpose.


  • Other uses: PySoy is a Python-based 3D game engine that is used for game development using Python. This is why video game developers have used Python in games such as Battlefield 2, Civilization IV, and others.


Additionally, Python is also used to build enterprise-level or business applications, which require greater scalability, extensibility, and readability. There are Python-supporting tools available, such as Odoo and Tryton, that can be used for this purpose.

The language is used in the development of Boo, Cobra, Swift, and CoffeeScript, among others. The Ubiquity Installer for Oss and Linux distributions is written in Python. Using Python, you can also manipulate big data, connect to databases, perform web scraping, perform graphic design and image processing, etc.


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