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What Is Python?


The Python programming language is a high-level, object-oriented, interpreted language.

Guido van Rossum developed the program and released it in 1991. As a result of the development in various versions and subversions, we now have Python 2 and Python 3, with the most recent one being Python 3.9.2, released on February 19, 2021.

The Python design philosophy emphasizes code readability and uses significant indentation and dynamic semantics. The language is dynamically typed and supports garbage collection in addition to various programming paradigms, including structured (mainly procedural), functional, and object-oriented programming.

This makes it possible for programmers to code clearly with logic and is useful for both large and small projects. The extensive list of standard libraries makes Python a “batteries included” programming language.


Python has the following main features:

  • Free and open source: It is possible to download Python from its official website for free and use it. It is also possible to modify its publicly available source code to meet your specific requirements.
  • Easy to learn and code:Compared to other languages, including Java, JavaScript, C++, C, etc., this high-level language is easier to learn. Programming in it does not require you to manage memory or remember the entire architecture of the system.

Additionally, it is developer-friendly and uses simpler, less complex syntax and plain English. Due to this, Python makes coding effortless, which is why it is so popular among developers.

  • Object-oriented: One of the main features of Python is object encapsulation, classes, construct and destruct, and so on.
  • Extensible: As opposed to building all functionality into its core, this language was designed to be extensible through modules. As a result of its compact modularity, developers find it easy to add programmable interfaces to existing applications. Python code can also be written in C/C++ and compiled.
  • Interpreted language: As with Java, C++, and C, Python code is executed line-by-line, one at a time. It is therefore unnecessary to compile the code, making debugging easier and saving time.
  • Portable: The Python programming language is portable. It is possible to run Python code on other operating systems, such as Mac, Linux, or Unix, without changing the code.
  • Dynamically-typed: Variable types are determined during run time rather than at the beginning of the program. Therefore, you do not need to specify the type of the variable, such as int, char, long, double, etc. Consequently, it reduces the number of lines of code and simplifies the programming process.

For example, in Java, you write int x = 7

But in Python, you’ll write x = 7. That’s it. This “x” can be any type of variable.

  • Compressive standard library: Its standard library contains a wide range of functions and modules, so you do not have to write every line of code from scratch. The available codes can be used for a variety of applications, including unit-testing, regular expressions, web browsers, CGI, image manipulation, and more.


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