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XML – Sibling

In the XML family tree , sibling can be identified as the element which is in the same hierarchy of any other element in the XML document.

For suppose, if we have 3 elements called element A , element B, element C and if the element A is the outer element of both element B and element C then element C will be called as sibling of element B.

Please find the below example and identify the sibling of element “location”.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 

		<name> Hari</name> 
		<city> hyderabad</city> 
		<name> sneha</name> 
		<city> banglore</city> 

		<name> Sanjay</name> 
		<location> Mumbai</location> 
		<name> Micheal</name> 
		<location> Washington</location> 

Below figure shows the sibling of element “location”

XML sibling - i2tutorials.com